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Employee Group Benefits

Employee Group Benefits

At Wilman Financial Inc., employee benefit plans are our specific area of expertise. Our comprehensive resources and passionate devotion to plan design and management has allowed us to devise the most innovative solutions and competitive group quotes in the industry. Our friendly staff seeks to provide the highest level of service in helping your company come up with a highly personalized and effective group plan.

“The benefits your team deserves”
our insurance services Include:
our insurance services Include:

Health Benefits

Dental Benefits

Life Benefits

Disability Benefits

Health Benefits

Payment basis: Direct payment or reimbursement
Benefit payment: 70-100% – Usually including a dispensing fee
Eligible drugs: Drugs requiring a prescription by provincial or federal law, selected over the counter products could be included
Least cost alternative pricing: Some plans pay for generic drug cost only, if available
Allergy serums: Included
Contraceptive drugs: Drugs with a duration of action greater than 100 days usually have a limited amount per participant in a 60 month period
Smoking cessation products: Fixed lifetime amount per participant
Vaccines: Fixed amount per participant each benefit year

* Selected drugs may be considered for coverage through a special authorization process.

Benefit payment: 100%
Private/semi-private rooms: Direct payment or reimbursement
Auxiliary care: $200-$500 per participant each benefit year
Outpatient expenses: Out of province

Long-term care insurance helps cover costs associated with long-term care for those not covered by health insurance. The intention is to provide the very best in long-term care. Without insurance the costs of such arrangements can easily run in the thousands of dollars every month.

Benefits can be provided for:

✓ Home health care
✓ Chronic-care (such as a continuing care centre or nursing home)
✓ Medical equipment
✓ Respite care
✓ Hospice care
✓ Adult day care

Supplementary Health Benefits

Accidental dental

Ambulance services

Ancillary services:
Blood and blood plasma
Laboratory services
Oxygen and administration
Radium and radioactive isotopes
X-ray examination

Blood testing monitor


Diabetic supplies

Foot orthotics

Hearing aids

Home nursing care

Ileostomy, colostomy supplies

Mastectomy prosthesis


Medical aids:
Casts, canes
Cervical collars,
Splints, trusses
Traction kits
Stump socks
Surgical stockings

Medical care (outside Canada)

Medical durable equipment:
Hospital beds
Iron lungs

Optical examinations

Orthopaedic shoes

Paramedical practitioners:
Massage therapist
Speech language pathologist

Conventional artificial limbs and eyes, excluding myoelectric controlled prosthesis

Benefit payment: Usually 100%
Maximum: $200-$600 per participant each benefit period
Benefit period: Adult 24 consecutive months
Child 12 consecutive months
Eligible benefits: Contact lenses
Eye glasses (frames and/or lenses)
Intraocular lenses
Laser eye surgery, including assessment fees
Exclusions: Industrial safety glasses
Eye examinations – usually included in supplementary health

Out of Province / Country Emergency Travel Benefits

Benefits are provided as a result of a medical emergency which occurs outside the Participant’s province of residence.

Benefit period: Usually 30 Days
Maximum: $1,000,000 up to an unlimited amount in Canadian funds per participant per incident
Accidental dental: Usually $2,000 per participant per accident to natural teeth
Air ambulance  
Ambulance services  
Cremation or burial  
Dental pain relief: Fixed amount per participant per trip
Diagnostic services: Laboratory services, x-rays, blood and blood plasma
Drugs: Included
Expenses to visit the covered person: Transportation
Hospital accommodation  
Incidental expenses  
Meals and accommodations  
Medical aids: Casts, canes
Crutches, slings
Splints, trusses
Temporary wheelchair
Rental, walkers
Medical evacuation: Air ambulance
Nursing care  
Outpatient expenses  
Paramedical practitioners: Chiropractor
Physicians and surgeons fees  
Return of deceased  
Travel assistance  
Vehicle services  

Dental Benefits

Benefit payment – 70-100%:

Diagnostic services:

Complete oral exam
Recall or limited oral exam
Bitewing radiographs
Specific oral exam
Emergency exams
Complete series/panoramic radiographs

Preventive services:

Scaling and root planing
Fluoride treatment
Pit and fissure sealant
Space maintainers

Benefit Payment – 50-80%

Restorative services:


Oral surgery:

General surgery exam
General anesthesia


Endodontic exam
Root canal therapy


Periodontic surgery osseous surgery
Osseous grafts
Soft tissue grafts

Provisional splinting
Scaling and root planing
Management of oral infections

Prosthodontic appliances (limited to one of the following services per tooth):

Fixed bridges
Inlays and onlays
Processed veneers
Posts & cores
Partial dentures

Removable appliances:

Complete dentures

Denture services:

Rebasing and resetting
Tissue conditioning

Provision for implants

Benefit payment: 50%

Maximum: $2,000 – $4000 lifetime amount per participant

Diagnostic services:

General orthodontic exam
Facial/intraoral photographs diagnostic models
Consultation and case presentation

Habit-breaking appliances

Interceptive, interventive, preventive:

Fixed and removable appliances functional appliance therapy formal banding treatment


Usually required for a treatment plan

Life Benefits

Benefit formula: Percentage of annual earnings or fixed amount
Maximum benefit: Variable
Non-evidence limit: Variable
Termination: Ceases at the earlier of retirement, termination or age 65 (may be extended)

Benefit description:

Coverage is usually provided to the employee and/or spouse in units of $10,000 to a maximum of $250,000 per insured. The combined group life benefit plus the optional group life benefit cannot usually exceed $450,000.

Non-evidence limit:

Evidence of insurability is required for all amounts of insurance.


Ceases at the earlier of retirement, termination or age 65

Family coverage for the optional benefits is available as follows:

The spouse is insured for 40% of the amount purchased by the employee, and each dependent child is insured for 5% of the amount purchased by the employee. The spouse is insured for 50% of the amount purchased by the employee if there are no dependent children. Each dependent child is insured for 10% of the amount purchased by the employee if there is no spouse.

This benefit covers death and permanent specific injury due to an accident and is offered by many employee benefit plans to provide coverage in addition to life insurance. In the case of a death, the death benefit is payable to the beneficiary, usually as a lump sum. With a permanent specific injury, the benefit amount is payable directly to the employee.

Benefit description:

Each employee covered by group life insurance, accidental death and dismemberment insurance and optional group life insurance may purchase additional accidental death and dismemberment insurance in units of $10,000 to a maximum of $250,000 per insured. The combined accidental death and dismemberment benefit and optional accidental death and dismemberment benefit cannot usually exceed $450,000.

Non-evidence limit:

Evidence of insurability is required for all amounts of insurance.


Ceases at the earlier of retirement, termination or age 65

Family coverage for the optional benefits is available as follows:

The spouse is insured for 40% of the amount purchased by the employee, and each dependent child is insured for 5% of the amount purchased by the employee. The spouse is insured for 50% of the amount purchased by the employee if there are no dependent children. Each dependent child is insured for 10% of the amount purchased by the employee if there is no spouse.

Disability Benefits

Benefit Formula: 66.67% of weekly earnings
Maximum Benefit: $1,200 per week
Elimination Period: 0 days for accident
0 days if hospitalized
7 days for sickness
Benefit Period: 17 Weeks
Non-Evidence Limit: $1,200
Termination: Coverage for active employees ceases at age 65 benefits under weekly indemnity (short term disability). Insurance provisions are usually non-taxable.
Disability: To be eligible for this benefit, an employee must be under the continuing care of a physician for the period of the disability, which normally commences with their first visit to a doctor. An insured employee will be considered disabled and entitled to weekly indemnity payments if, as a result of sickness or accident they are unable to perform a substantial portion of the duties of their own occupation or regular employment and are not engaged in any occupation or employment for wage or profit.
Benefit Formula: 60% – 66.67% of the first $2,500 and 50% of the excess of monthly earnings
Maximum Issue Limit: $5,000 per month
Elimination Period: 119 Days
Benefit Period: To Age 65
Non-Evidence Limit: $1,500 – $5000 (depending on the number of insured employees)
Termination: Benefit ceases at age 65. Coverage for active employees ceases at age 65 less the elimination period. Benefits under this long term disability insurance provision are usually non-taxable
Total Disability: An insured employee is not considered totally disabled during the first 24 months following the elimination period if he is deemed able to do the substantial (60%) portion of the regular duties of his own occupation for any employer.

Thereafter, an insured employee is not considered totally disabled for the period following the first 24 months of benefits if he is deemed able to perform at least 60% of the regular duties of any occupation for any employer for which he is reasonably fitted, or could so become, by education, training or experience.

HSA - Health Spending Account

Would your younger employees be interested in getting the exact same benefits with no flexibility as, for example, employees that are near retirement?

While a base employee benefits package can share the same features across all employees, a Health Spending Account (HSA) provides employees with the flexibility to customize their benefits experience to their own needs. An HSA is a sum of money that is allotted to an employee for reimbursement of a wide range of health-related expenses over and above regular benefit plans.

HSA employee allowances are also advantageous in that they are not taxable.

EAP – Employee Assistance Program

An EAP is a confidential service that provides employees, and often family members of employees, confidential counseling services about personal well-being issues. These issues may or may not be directly work-related and while the issues may be resolved with short term counseling, referrals can be arranged if longer term therapy is required.

Employee Benefits Quote Request Form

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